Wednesday, July 20, 2011

You Rock

Hi All!

Today's post is a little different from our past ones. While it is always important to put your best "fashion foot forward", it is just as important to couple that with your own unique style and confidence. Accordingly, our FASHION FIXATION du jour is wearing your personality proudly.

There is nothing like the feeling that you get when you slip into a fabulous outfit, complimented by near-perfect hair and makeup. You stand taller, smile wider, walk with a catwalk-ready strut, and hope that as many people as possible cross your path and get a glimpse of you. It is this feeling that one should always bring to each day. Confidence is contagious and is envied by all. You know a confident person when you see one.
No matter what factors were working against you in your day, look at yourself in the mirror and smile back at yourself with total assurance that you are wonderful. This attitude will help you have a more positive disposition and accomplish more in your day. While we cannot deny that we all have "those days"... there is no reason that we cannot bounce back and kick that day with a heavy dose of positivity and self-confidence.

Some wise and anonymous person once said: “Insecurity will always rent the space it occupies, but confidence will own the building, and any other room it steps in.”

Remember this always.

Stay Flawless and Fabulous!
Lyndsey and Jenn

"Keep Calm and Carry On"
- British Government, 1939

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